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Monday, March 22, 2010

REAL Beauty

Christians who spend lots of time with God bear His unmistakable mark on their spirits and in their attitudes and on their countenances. Look at Romans 12: 10 and 16:

"Be kindly affectioned to one another, with brotherly love; in honor, preferring one another".

"Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to persons of low estate. Be not wise in your own estimation".

I know that there is not an overabundance of such selfless expressions among Christians, but there is some, and it is always beautiful to observe. It is so uplifting to witness a person surrender a right, or yield to an opinion in favor of another person. I repeat this often: If no sin is involved, if no biblical truth is ignored, if no moral principle is being surrendered, what difference does it make whose opinion prevails, or who gets his way?

One of my life's biggest disappointments in my relationship with the body of Christ is at this very point. We allow the devil to upset us too much. We are way to short on forebearance and understanding. You have noticed - as I have - that there are times when teasing and joking is not only tolerated, but really enjoyed...and something upsets someone, and then every, little things becomes an insult. Generally speaking, people who get peeved are peevable, and this may not be grammatically or theologically correct, but we all understand it.

This in no way suggests that godly, Christlike Christians do not get their feelings hurt, for they are probably more sensitive to a "hurt feelings atmosphere". BUT WHEN IT HAPPENS - and it will happen to everyone - Christlike, biblical persons do not hold it against the perpetrator, they do not stop working with them, they do not get peeved, and they do not start talking against them to anyone who will listen, and they do not leave the church and stop paying their tithe, and they do not backslide and blame everyone else for it.

OOOO! I like this kind of preaching!

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