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Monday, August 31, 2009

In Sync with Psalms

I have been musing this morning... as I often do after reading in the various divisions of Psalms. I love all of God's Word, but whenever I worship in the Psalms, somehow I feel transported... as though I am there along with the Psalmist, experiencing what he has, or is. It is like God is walking and talking right there with the Psalmist... and with me... more like a friend, or a personal tutor, or like a parent explaining something to his child. Here are some precious conversations that are so much like my own with the Lord that I have had them heavily marked in my Bible for years.Psalm 119:114, 116 and 117a. "Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy Word. "Uphold me according to Thy Word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope. "Hold Thou me up...".

Psaml 119:149: "Hear my voice according to Thy lovingkindness:..."

Psalm 119:174: "...Thy law is my delight".

Psalm 123:2c and 3a: "...our eyes wait upon the Lord our God until that He have mercy upon us. "Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us...".
Psalm 130:5 and 6: "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope. "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they who watch for the morning: I say, more than they who wait for the morning".

As a father, and a grandfather, with precious, precious children and their children, I know how much I yearn and ache over them! I also know that my perspective is so much greater than theirs, and that God, our heavenly Father, constantly watches over His children with far greater interest and concern than I could ever have for my own.

As the hopes and wellbeing and happiness of a child is the property of a parent, and as an employee's labor, productivity and remuneration is the responsibility of the employer, and as the dedication, faithfulness and loyalty of a servant is the proper due to a master, and as the wellfare and safety of the sheep is the special oversight of the Shepherd, so heaven's God takes care of His children... in everything!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 8

My heart is so heavy as I sincerely talk to the church today about this, for the world of which we are a part holds exactly the opposing viewpoint. Worldly success is nearly completely associated with what a person has and how much he has. This has sadly and slowly crept into the church and it, that is, the church, has largely adopted riches as the same measurement for success. Jesus so clearly warned His followers in Matthew 13:22 of "the deceitfulness of riches", and explained that it would "choke the Word of God" until it would be lost. Most of the 2009 church today has adopted the same attitudes about so called standards of living that the world holds, and feels substandard and mistreated if they have less than their neighbors or brothers and sisters in the Lord. It truly hurts my sensitive spirit when I hear of, or see, comparisons made between Church people on the basis of material possessions. It sends a distress signal to my souls!

What should be done? How do we combat the horribly materialistic spirit that holds today's church people in its deceptive, iron grip? Some of my answers will be anticipated, but the most important one ... just a few of you will expect .. The truth and experience of heart cleansing is the most important weapon against the lukewarm effect of materialism! I do not hesitate to make this claim, for the crucifixion of the old self life is crucial to correcting our spiritual vision. We are what we "see". Sanctified Christians are selfless ones, and Christians who have not died to self will continue to make choices based upon their wants and interests and well being.On the other hand, selfless Christians are always, characteristically, looking for ways to be a blessing to other people. This is as certain as you hear my voice today! Selfless Christians are always on the lookout for what they can give, and not what they can get. Those of you who know me best know how I dearly love to preach about "advantage taking", and persons whose aim is to take the advantage instead of give it, judge themselves ... not me. All I want to ask each of us is this question: "Why do we want the advantage, rather than grant it to the other person?"

How much should we give away ... how much should we share with others ... how much should we give to the church ... , and how much should we keep for ourselves - our aging and health problems and last years of our lives? You know no other person can answer this, and it is one more vital reason why we must make sure that there is not a shred ... not a sliver. .. not a little, tiny piece of the old nature controlling our decision making "mechanism", for want ofa better word. We must have the balancing influence of the Holy Spirit guiding us as we are literally floundering in a sea of materialism, in and out of the church.

As you can see, this is merely the start of identifying, and dealing with, the threat of lukewarmness to today's church.• I urge each of us to seek out God's best for our lives, and never, never settle for anything less!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 7

SO, here in August of 2009 we find ourselves in the church exactly where the Laodiceans were - rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing. And every listener and reader is clear that the reference to "in need of nothing" is about temporal possessions. We do not need outside assistance from other persons or agencies in or out of the church. "Self sufficient" and "self dependent" and "self supporting" are the terms that come to our minds at this point. Most of us would consider this not only a good thing, but pleasing to the Lord, for there are plenty of scriptures that require Christians to care for their own needs as well as have resources so that we are able to help others who are in need.

"Why then, Pastor, should the condition of being "rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing" concern us? Why should it present a problem to believers today?ilBecause built right into it are dangerous tendencies that inherently lead to lukewarmness. Here are some examples of dangers that we face each day, and have been so much a part of our lives that we rarely think of them as "dangerous". Fire. Electricity. Water. Medicines. Vehicles and air travel. The list is endless, but you follow along in the reasoning. All that have been listed, and much more, are potential dangers to our lives, health and well being. They will kill us if they are not correctly used! If properly used, they are great blessings, and if not, they will kill or harm us.

According to Jesus' teaching when He was here on earth talking to us, worldly wealth is probably the paramount trap for us humans, including us believers. Jesus repeatedly warned His hearers of the extreme danger of worldly possessions, and the adjective "extreme" is not too extreme a word. (Little intended pun there) Think with me now on this. In Jesus'life, in the lives of the apostles, and in the lives of every saint of God from their days until our time, those persons who are most in step with the mind and will of God, are persons whose daily lives and happiness are not built around material possessions. They are persons who habitually ... characteristically, make choices, and take actions that lean towards the "spiritual" qualitiesk.¬in their lives and not the material ones. The biggest issues of their lives are not what they have ¬or do not have when it comes to earthly possessions. Their daily lives are regulated, directed, and in reality, consumed, with the work of God, the kingdom of God, the will of God. Such Christians, who I will quickly identify as "fervent", do not consider anything they have their own, but honestly (I mean by that, that they do not just say it, but down in their hearts is real) ... they honestly view the material possessions God has trusted them with as a stewardship. Again let me repeat that to view ones earthly possessions as a stewardship, and not something that belongs to us, it must be genuine and not merely a claim for how it looks or sounds to other Christians.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 6

I am deeply troubled by a church more led and driven by its own current philosophies and trends and programs than by the Holy Spirit through God's revealed Word! I am deeply troubled by the constant "badgering" of church leaders and writers who constantly tell us preachers that "we must present the gospel in a positive, relevant manner"! We preachers must rise above such hannful criticism and stick with what God's Word clearly tells us!

What it tells us here in this most revealing message to the church of the last dispensation is that what the church and the watching world calls success is not what Jesus calls it!! The Laodicean church claimed (Please note! In Jesus' Own words!) That they were "rich, and increased with goods, and in need of nothing". I earnestly plead with anyone who listens to, or reads, this message this morning to carefully consider what Jesus said ... not Pastor Boone. Jesus said of the latter day church that their self description ... their own assessment ... of the kind of church people they were, was "rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing". As much as you who listen and read will resist my telling us this ... this is an accurate description of each and all of us. There has never been a time in the history of the church (the visible church, that is) when, all around the world, we have been so richly endowed with monetary and temporal possessions. WE ARE THAT CHURCH! We are this church! We are the church that Jesus depicted as "rich, and increased with goods, and in need of nothing".

While I am on this greatly disturbing, biblical truth, a long held term for these things has troubled me every time I have heard it. I know that in saying this a good number of you will probably disagree with me, but at least,hear me out and see if something about it picks at your mind as it has mine over the years.~T am sure that some of you have had questions about it as I have. It is the use of the term, "God's blessings" when referring to material wealth. We have all heard such a statement made, and maybe have used it ourselves, that "God has blessed us with lots of this world's things". As I say, over many years now, such statements always trouble my mind, and some of you are astute enough to know why.

When has the church, historically, been the most effective in bringing the gospel message to the unsaved ofthe world? We all know the answer to this. When they were persecuted. When they were poor. When they were unloved and unheralded and despised. When they had no worldly position and recognition. When they were driven from their homes and jobs and churches and towns and even native countries! On an individual basis, when do we spiritually grow the most? When do we pray the most? When do we draw near to God the most? When do we know God the best? In plenty ... or in want? In sickness ... or in health? In the sunshine ... or in the storm? In disappointment...or in happiness? In trials sore ... or in blessings and joy? When we are recognized ... or when we are spoken evil of?

This is why some of us wonder about the use of the expression that, "God has blessed us with so many, wonderful things. With so many things that make our lives pleasant and easier"? There is not a person listening or reading, including me, who would be so foolish as to ask God for the hard places ... for pain and suffering ... for trials and tribulations and sore temptations ... for the loss of our earthly possessions ... for persecutions and defamations of character. And yet we all know that Jesus particularly pronounced His blessing ... even calling it "happiness!" ... ofthese very persons! He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit (they are persons who claim nothing ... who feel in their hearts that they are owed nothing from God or man). Jesus said, "Blessed are they who mourn". Jesus said, Blessed are those who are meek and humble". Jesus said, Blessed are you when you are persecuted ... ". Jesus said Blessed are those who are spoken evil against, those who are reviled, those who are falsely accused and blamed, for My sake". When I know ... and you know ... what the position is of Jesus and His teachings about what kind of persons are truly blessed, it has no reference whatever to possessions or ownership

Monday, August 3, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 5

No Christian can produce within himself or herself what only the Holy Spirit can. We cannot make ourselves holy. We cannot discipline ourselves enough to be holy. We cannot train our hearts into submission to Christ. The crucifixion of the old, self nature is a work of Divine grace, wrought within the heart by faith. I can only speak with certainty about this from my own experience ... but I have read and heard other Christians express the same conclusions. It was not so-called "holiness preaching" that brought me to the place where I sought the Lord for victory over the old, carnal nature. It was the condition of my heart! It was the defilement of my heart! It was the dirtiness of my spirit that condemned me!

Now I am not describing "feelings" as such when I talk about a "dirtiness of spirit". Our human emotional system is not the place to take any measurements of our spiritual temperature, for our feelings characteristically (at least for most of us) run more on a roller coaster than a straight track. Most of the time mood swings, as we call them today, have little or nothing to do with any spiritual condition. When we think about what I have termed a "dirtiness of spirit" it relates more to motives than feelings. This is why we are talking about the cleansing of the human heart now. The carnal, uncleansed heart is for self satisfaction, and self appreciation, and for self interest, and for self recognition. You get the idea. It is self, self, self .. me, me, me ... and my, my, my! All through this study about lukewarmness we will be returning to this sobering truth.

Jesus made it so clear in some of His very earliest teachings in the so-called Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:20, where He proclaimed this most basic truth: "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also ". Here is a most crucial claim and conclusion by our Lord! "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also"! This will never vary. It is ,as definite,and even absolute, as anything God ever said to the human family. What dominates~rson's life~ is his or her master. What we continually think about, and where our minds return any time we have spare minutes, and what in our daily lives claims our supreme attention, and what we want to do and think about and on what spend our time and attention and money is what is in our hearts! What is in our hearts is what will come out of it!

Our hearts are as much like a fountain of waters as anything I could describe. The scripture even uses this analogy when Jesus spoke of what occurs when the Holy Spirit comes in to take control of a person's innermost nature. Let me read it to you from John 7:38 & 39a:"He who believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this spoke He of the Holy Spirit Who they that believe on Him should receive ... ". Jesus, Himself, describes the inner, heart, condition of the Spirit filled Christian as one that is as a flowing fountain of waters. We are born into this world with that inner, "heart fountain" polluted and stained with more interest and concern for self than God or other persons.

To make matters worse, we live in a world that S~tan has superbly sold on the idea that we need to love ourselves, and be good to ourselves, ~atisfY ourselves, and please ourselves. Then in the last thirty or forty years, a good number of preachers have built entire, multi-million dollar ministries on the "self esteem" idea of "feeling good about ourselves", The Christ ofthe church wants me to warn us of the dangers of such erroneous teaching, for it plays right into the hands of Satan's latter day trap of hustling us with promises of everything being okay, when the truth is that we are "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked"!