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Monday, September 28, 2009

I Stepped on a Snake

It was just a baby snake, probably no more than seven and eight inches long. Actually, my reaction to seeing this little fellow frightfully scamper away from my boot as I picked up an armload of raspberry vines was automatic. Normally, I would let the little guy - a harmless Garter snake - wiggle away, but a couple of weeks past, "she who must be obeyed" and I had had a very intense discussion about "those terrible snakes crawling out from under our house!" Anytime our discussions are "intense", it really is not a discussion at all, but an ultimatum. My logic that "they are just Garter snakes, Deloris, they are not poisonous and they keep down the bug and like critter population", fell on deaf ears. Her "intense" ultimatum was that "I don't care what they eat! I don't want them around my house and I'll kill every one I see!"

So, as I say, my reaction was totally without thought or hesitation as I stomped the poor, little critter to death with my big boot. He lay there writhing in death throes for a few seconds, and finally was quiet.

As I watched this scene unfold, one thought was paramount. I had crushed life from a living creature. From that point, my mind went skedaddling (for you intellectuals, that word means "runs away") in many varying directions. One was the historical, theological question of whether a snake and a serpent are one and the same? Another was the identity and depiction of the serpent in the Garden of Eden? Another morphed into the entire question of angels - wicked ones and holy ones? AND the difference between angelic beings and human beings? Some of these interesting questions are unimportant from a redemptive point of view, and sone of them exceedingly important.

Some respected theologians believe that the Edenic serpent was intelligent, beautiful, verbal and walked upright prior to the fall. Reasons? Snakes, as we know them are repugnant and undesireable. Eve was not afraid of Eden's serpent or that he talked with her. The strongest proof is that the serpent's punishment was "to crawl upon his belly and eat dust all his life", strongly inferring that he had not done this prior to the fall.

What I consider of the utmost importance "about snakes and serpents" and "angels"...wicked and holy, is that according to Genesis 1:27 & 2:7, a human being was "created in the image of God" (SEE Genesis 1:27, and that both the male and the female human beings "became a living soul" (SEE Genesis 2:7d)

This makes it clear that neither animals or angelic beings - or any other universal, created being - has a soul. Only human beings have souls! And only they are created "in the image of God". It was the uniting, or combination, of the dust of the ground, and the breath of the Creator God, that brought into being - for the first time and the only time - the third, entirely new and distinct entity of a "soul".

Some might say, "Boy! This makes us humans something really special!" More than most of us will ever know!!! In time or eternity. The human soul is so special that God sent His only begotten Son into the world to save them after they had fallen - by choice - into sin. It is also "by choice" that we can be brought back into a right relationship with God. And then, He sends His Holy Spirit into our souls (the real "us", the real person) to help, comfort and empower us to live a clean, holy life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.

There is no reason why any and all human souls cannot live such a life...right down here in this sin-filled, wicked, demon infested world.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Unreliability of Reason...

...that is, IF it alters a direct order...especially from God.

In 1 Samuel 15 we read of God's instructing Israel's King Saul "to utterly destroy the Amalekites, all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass".

Saul "reasoned" that God perhaps did not mean "all"; that it would be unthinkable to kill all of the flocks and herds; and (I'm just guessing here) that if he brought the Amalekite King Agag back to Jerusalem, he could parade him through the streets and receive great honor. Then...maybe...they could publicly execute him.

He further "reasoned" that, under the guise of sacrificing the best of the captured animals to the Lord, he could have a great feast for the people and further promote his image as a mighty warrior and a great benefactor.

He further "reasoned" that he had destroyed the most of God's enemies, and "reasoned" that he "had obeyed the commandment of the Lord" (SEE 1 Samuel 15:13 & 20).

For some reason, Saul thought that this would fly (be acceptable) with God. He had become so immuned from truth and accuracy by allowing inner deceptions that he had "talked himself into" believing that what he had done, and was doing, would be alright.

This is the reason for today's thoughts. God gives us the ability to reason as it relates to our lives and activities, and for the most part, expects us to use it. Not a single person ever gets into trouble with God over what he or she does not know. But when God, through his Word or by the Holy Spirit, makes a matter clear to us, then He expects complete obedience.

There are probably dozens of scriptural directives that make no sense to us under certain conditions and/or activities, but we only keep our spiritual hearts and eyes clear when we completely obey the Lord and His revealed Word.

Saul blamed "the people" (for wanting to save the best of the animals), but God did not give the order to them, but to Saul.

THE POINT: We keep our eyes on God, not on what "other people" are doing or not doing.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"The Culture Has Shifted"

So, what's new? "The culture" has shifted in every fact...within every generation.

It is within the minds and consciences of each succeeding groups, families, clans, etc. to do away with the old, and welcome the new. This is called progress, and a cardinal, universal, clearly spoken rule about progress is "not to stand in its way". Traditional has ever been the enemy of progressive. Wisdom dictates that change is not only inevitable, but wise as it relates to methods, working and living conditions.

But God's laws historically comes heavily against moral and behavioral changes! God's laws were originally given to His people to bear directly upon each generation's codes of morality and ethics, and were clearly purposed to be passed on - and applicable to - each new generation.

But listen to, and read, what was just approved by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America at its most recent National Assembly: (by Eric Gorski, ASSOCIATED PRESS, August 23, 2009)

" 'We're going to be living in tension and ambiguity for a longer time, partly because the culture has shifted,' said David Steinmetz, a Duke Divinity School professor of Christian history. "The question is whether the mainline church will shift alongside, or if it will decide that the more welcoming attitude toward homosexuality is wrong, he said. "The ELCA - the nation's seventh largest Christian church - reached its conclusion after eight years of study and deliberation. That culminated Friday when the church's national assembly in Minneapolis struck down a policy that required any gay and lesbian clergy to remain celibate."

I would agree that there is "tension" - as seen by David Steinmetz - but I disagree that there is any "ambiguity" in God's Word about the matter!

I instantly concur with The Living Bible's interpretation of Jude 3b - so strongly that I have it written in my King James Bible, and I quote:

" should stoutly defend the truth which God gave, once for all, to His people, to keep without change, through the years".

Certainly "the culture has shifted". Every culture "has shifted", but God insists that His followers stand firmly by His commandments however strongly the fierce gales of change blow!

Monday, September 7, 2009

May 21st, 2011

This is the next date set for the return of Jesus for His church. (Harold Camping...from California) My first inclination was to smile...maybe even yuk a little...if it were not so serious a matter.

Evangelicals have been united on this issue ever since I have had knowledge as a youth of Christ's second coming. Jesus said in Matthew 24:46 and 42: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". And verse 42: "Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour our Lord doth come."

At the same time, Jesus repeated this to His disciples in Matthew 25:13: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh".

What IS certain, though, is that He IS coming...and soon! God's Word IS clear on this! Way back in the Old Testament, in Daniel's day. (Daniel 2:44).

"In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be shall stand forever". This is something we CAN count on, for in this single chapter, God reveals to Daniel, His servant, the coming kingdoms, of the entire world system, from Daneil's day to the present time.

But who are "these kings", Pastor? They are symbolized by the feet and ten toes of the colossal image and composed of iron and clay. The Bible clearly states that the ten toes "shall not adhere to one another" (Daniel 2:43). Nearly ALL reliable, evangelical scholars identify the "iron" part of the feet and toes to be remnants of the preceding Roman Empire, or MONARCHIES. The clay clearly indicates the DEMOCRATIC form of governments which do not and cannot be unified.

This is a clear picture of our world for the last 250 years. While "no person knows the day or the hour" of the establishing of God's eternal kingdom on earth, we are certainly living in "these days".

The warning of our Lord should be sufficient for Bible-believing Christians: Watch and be ready!