Watch for a new article each week!

Monday, December 28, 2009

"Don't Rain on My Parade"

When this *idiom (see below for definition) first came in to common useage it initially impressed my mind as quite clever, slightly humorous and considerably enigmatic (puzzling).

Each time it was used in my presence, it produced the same mental effect - the question of "whose parade"? Probably the speaker's. As though his/her parade was most important - was more important than anyone else's parade. Hmmm.

The obvious villian here is the rain - at least from the viewpoint of the speaker's parade. The fact is that the rain could conceivably be of more benefit to many others because of greater needs than those of a short-lived - albeit very important - need of the "parader".

What impacts my mind is how thoughtlessly selfish it may be any time we want our plans to turn out favorably to the exclusion of how unfavorably they may affect anyone else's "parade". In fact, the greater good may accrue if it did rain on our parade!

The Bible has two, cogent comments - one from Jesus and the other from James' writings (the brother of Jesus). In Matthew 5:45 Jesus said that the "rain falls on the just and the unjust". In other words, generally and indiscriminately. (And then added that we will be like this if we are Christlike) With rare exceptions, God gave/gives the rain in an umbrella fashion, and all are equally benefited.

James counsels us (SEE James 4:15) to always submit all of our plans "to the will of the Lord, intending to do this or that, or go here or there". They must always fall under the umbrella of God's will. Nature's systems would be chaotic and disastrous if God answered every request for favorable weather.

The truth is that the same rain that dampens a parade also puts food on our tables. The winter storms that clog sidewalks, driveways, lanes, roads and freeways - and accordingly brings many sore backs and aching muscles - also graciously stores snowpacks for our world's watersheds. could be a rather selfish request to ask for there not to be a rain on "our" parade. A question comes to any thinking mind, "Are we really wanting our parade to be sunny...and could care less if it is someone else's?"

* "Idiom": Redneck lingo for the feminine suffix of "ot".

Sunday, December 20, 2009


"Sarge" is not a military non-commissioned officer. He is our neighbor's black Labrador aged, overweight, friendly, loveable dog.

Sarge is everybody's friend. There is no one he does not like, and will respond to any overture of friendliness with a vigorously wagging tail. He rarely barks, never bothers anyone, doesn't get upset over community matters that sets off raucous howls from all other dogs within earshot.

Sarge pays little attention to other neighborhood dogs and remains aloof to their factious spats and quarrels. The young, black Lab next door nips, dances, growls, "attacks", jumps all around and over old Sarge, and he acts like he hardly notices the whipper-snapper. Sarge does not need to prove anything to anybody.

Then he has the unusual habit of slowly walking out to the middle of our neighbor's huge, quarter acre back yard and laying down in the snow, sleet, rain - seemingly the colder, the better. The dog loves to lie in the snow! much like many people love to bask in a sunny beach. It is as amusing as it is fascinating.

I admire Sarge and the qualities he unwittingly demonstrates to all who know him. He ignores the pettiness around him. He does not sweat the small stuff. He doesn't get easily upset. He rises above communal fussiness and criticism and squabbles. He lets others around him get all excited and in a senseless snit while he conserves his energy for the really big stuff!

"Lord, thank You for the big heart You have given to my friend, Sarge, and help me to lead and enjoy a more peaceful, contented attitude about the small stuff. Amen".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mark Boone in Concert

Mark will also be singing and giving his testimony in the 11:00 a.m. service.

Monday, November 9, 2009


This was the answer to a clue in a crossword puzzle this past week. The clue was "a worn out cloth". I took immediate exception to this...that is...that it was "worn out".

Rags are very useful to us. Maybe even could be considered a neccesity. What would we do without them? A world without rags would be a poor one indeed.

In my youth for sure, rags were a necessity, and they were never thrown away. They were used for all kinds of cleaning chores, in and out of the house; for many medical needs - bandages, sore throats, slings, mustard plasters, boil and cut dressings; for strainers of all kinds; for paddings and cushions; and for absorbents of all kinds.

I have a small, fuzzy, yellow, was-at-one-time pajama top made by wife, Deloris, and worn by daughter, Trella, that has been in my shoe shine box for at least fifty years. Shoe polish smudges of all colors are evident, but there are still some unused places that will probably be useful as long as I live. I have already "willed" it to Trella. Just think of all the hundreds of shoes it has shined?

It has always been right where I last used and placed it. It has never complained or been unwilling to be pressed one more time into gooey, oily, smudgy shoe polish. It has never been washed, dried or ironed, and it has never been recognized or honored until this writing. I have never once thanked it!


Even lowly rags have a highly useful, significant purpose. Surely there are ways I can bless others.

Monday, November 2, 2009

In the Sea of Grace - Part 3

The significance of standing before God must not escape us. The more we consider the incongruity of this act, the more amazing it becomes. Angels bow before Him. Seraphim cover their faces and feet when they are in His presence. Cherubim will not look upon Him as they attend His glory. Living creatures ceaselessly describe His supremacy, His glory and His ascendancy. Demons and all the minions of Hell cringe before Him, and Satan constantly submits to His sovereignty and authority. The universe and all creatures who inhabit it bow in humble obeisance before their Creator and Sustainer.

But when a human being steps into redemption's room of saving grace, he stands! God's grace stands men up! It makes winners out of history's sorriest losers. It makes saints out of Hell-bound sinners. It lifts a sin-scourged soul from the pits of hoplessness and elevates him to the hghest heights of honor. GOD'S GRACE STANDS HUMAN SOULS UP!!!

This proclaims the supporting bouyancy of God's awesome grace. It emanates from His gracious nature. It is an effusion as big and generous as He is. It flows unendingly into our emptiness. We need to ponder this. The nature of the human soul is cavernous. We are by nature in constant need of filling. Our emptiness is spacious and exists without limit. Its appetite is a vast, astronomical openness by design.

When we are so very dry and bring our pitiful, little meauring cups to Him, He just lets His grace flow, and our cups run over. This is the kind of a Person He is, a "running over" God with oceans of grace and pity and mercy. What a contrast for contemplation: Our emptiness...His fullness.

Because of the grace of God revealed through the life and death of Jesus, persons stand in the presence of heaven's God. This act is without precedent in the order of God's relationships with other beings. We can only contemplate...not understand this grace.

God wanted to give something special to humankind. He wanted to share some of the greatness and love and depth of His being with other persons, so He reached out to us in the Person of His Son. We are innundated in His grace!

Monday, October 26, 2009

In the Sea of Grace - Part 2

Individuals are important to God. One human soul is worth more than Satan. St. Augustine noted that: "God loves each of us as though there were but one to love". The weight of this truth needs to press in upon us. We are not "nobodies going nowhere", or maybe reincarnated from some lower life form from some dim, past existence. We are "somebodies" on a definite, distinct journey occupying a unique and everlasting identity in this universe as individual beings with individual personalities.

This is why God has invested so much of His grace in us individual humans. When God's Holy Spirit convicts us...when He gets our attention...when He arrests our downward plunge towards Hell and destruction by convicting us of our personal sinning, and we come through that door as redeemed and transformed beings, we stand! because we discover that we are surrounded by His grace!

This awakened individual stands in a veritable sea of grace. His feet are firmly planted on grace. His landscape is grace. His sky is grace. His sunshine is grace. He sees grace, he hears grace, he feels grace. Grace is the atmosphere. Grace is the language. Grace is the music, and grace affords the relationship!

And all of this overwhelming grace of salvation is individually imparted. It is a private audience with the God of the universe. The awesome specialty is unquestionably lost on us. You may be hurting until you cannot sleep, but you get in line and wait your turn to see the doctor. You can wait for appointments with lawyers, preachers, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, repairmen and even the poodle parlor, but God's throne of grace is always open!

No offer is more generous, no gift is more gracious, no opportunity is more available than this. Anyone can come into God's presence and instantly be aware that he is being received privately. We may stand before God. It is not an award. It is God's free grace provided by Jesus.
(The third installment next week)

Monday, October 19, 2009

In the Sea of Grace - Part 1

The phrase from Romans 5:2: "This grace in which we stand", sits like a giant diamond in the midst of a veritable landscape of jewels.

All that is redemptively afforded to humankind is because of Jesus. It is as though Jesus became the road or the pathway or the avenue to accessing the grace of God. All that God's grace bestows upon us has been accessed by Jesus. If Calvary is anything at all, it is ACCESS. Every step toward heaven and eternal safety has been afforded and guaranteed by a payment so costly that understanding persons weep as they walk.
Standing in grace! What a concept to challenge the mind of the most mature saint! We can see that the word picture of the Apostle Paul uses here is significant. The position of the persons referred to here is not lying, or sitting, or even prostrate, but fully upright. In fact, in the presence of God's grace afforded by Jesus Christ, any other position would be out of character with grace. The the entire idea from the Greek language presents an atmosphere of royalty.

Here is the picture. It is of a degenerated, lowly outcast, who has no level of position or rank to a royal relationship, approaching a palace door. This person has in fact been an antagonist, a rebel, an opposer to the king. He has spent his entire life until this moment in opposition to this great king before whose castle gate he now stands. But now he is vanquished and subdued as he answers the strange summons to be presented to this great king. The door now is opened, and this lowly peasant, who would customarily fall on his face to the ground before this man, is ushered into the palace of this great king...and he stands in his presence!

He does not know why he remains upright. He cannot seem to prostrate himself, even though he wants to with all that is within him. But he cannot! Still he stands! But why is he standing? No other person is there to force or restrain him, for he is alone with this king...and not a word is spoken. But why is he standing? He is like a child speechless and lost in wonderment. He is like wordlessly witnessing the silent spectacle of a golden dawn. He is like two loved ones quietly holding hands.

It is the atmosphere! This is what it is! The atmosphere is is like..."all is well. Everything is OK!" That is exactly what it is! Even though no words are spoken..."All is well".

This former outcast is being received by this greatest of potentates as a friend, as a guest, honored, respected and accepted. How can this be? Why does the atmosphere fairly radiate and vibrate with happy acceptance? He wonders, "How can I feel so encompassed and enfolded? How can I feel so accepted and...wanted?" This is the word! This is the feeling! This is the idea gently pressing against him. "He wants me! I am wanted!"

(Second installment next week)

Monday, October 12, 2009


I know many Davids, and probably you do also, for it is a very common name for a male.

The David of the Bible - who incidently all Davids since him probably have been named - was a man who you could easily know. Not only because there is so much biblical history written about him, but maybe more so because fo his writings; primarily in the Psalms. So a reader might ask, "Why would you write about him this morning if we already know so much about him?"

The reason is because of my great, personal admiration for the man. There are so many characteristics about David - courage, godliness, merciful, wise, obedient and fairmindedness - that a person could write books about him, and still not be exhaustive.

A single character trait has dominated my personal admiration for David since I was a lad, and it is his innate humility. This is demonstrated so many times throughout David's life that it seems to me that it was a major motivation in all he thought, decided and did. I will refer to just one time of his life - when his son Absalom conspired to kill his father and assume the kingdom of Israel.

When David knew about it, the very first thing he did was to plan to leave Jerusalem. He did not "flee" as some suppose. David was not a coward in any cirsumstance, and all Bible readers know this. The reason he hurriedly left Jerusalem is discovered in 2 Samuel 7:14d, "...Arise and let us flee, lest...he smite the city with the edge of the sword". David was more concerned with the plight of the people, with the tabernacle, and with the city if the battle would rage in Jerusalem.

A few verses later in the same chapter, Ittai, a recent convert to Israel and a king's son, offered to go with David, and he told him not to because (in verse 20, and I am paraphrasing this) "Ittai, I do not know where I am going or what will happen to me, or if I will ever return. Stay here where it is safe". Ittai's answer to go with David even if it meant his death is one of my favorite readings, but it is not Ittai's loyalty and courage and commitment to David that impresses me now. Here again you can see the basic humility of David as he thinks more of this stranger than himself.

When Zadok, the priest came with the Levites, carrying the precious ark of the covenant with them, (the ark symbolizing the very presence of God), David told them to return it to the tabernacle in Jerusalem with the words that (in verse 25), "Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I shall find favor in the eyes of the Lord, He will bring me again, and show me both it, and His habitation". What a beautiful spirit!

And then catch the atmosphere of the entire scene as King David and those who were loyal to him and his God as they departed Jerusalem (and it is almost reminiscent of Jesus many centuries later) in verse 30 of 2 Samuel 7: "And David went up by the ascent of Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people who were with him covered every man his head, and they went up (emphasis mine) weeping as they went up".

The broken, lowly, and humble spirit of God's servant follows him from his earliest days of youth, and right down to his last days on earth. God cares for, and pays special attention to, persons with an humble spirit!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Amanda and Mama Fox

"Amanda" (substitute for actual name) is the cross country coach for the Middle and High schools in The Dalles, Oregon. Though a teacher, she has participated in many, gruelling cross country races, and keeps herself in a toughened, physical condition as an excellent example for her students. But, as we shall see, being a good example is only one reason for her disciplined life style.

At a mile and a half, cross country, race two weeks past, the young athletes were giving their best (or at least thought they were), exhausting their young bodies to the breaking point. Young men and young women (in their appropriate divisions) strained and pumped flaxen legs from one point to the next, trying to maintain strides and distances, wondering if they could make it all the way? Suddenly, at the halfway point, here was their coach, Amanda, shouting their names and adding strength and adrenaline merely by being there!

As the runners neared the three quarter position, here was Amanda - again - yelling support and calling their names! Then she popped up again as they neared the finish line, shouting and yelling words of encouragement and support. Then, as each runner, crossed the finish line, here she was again with hugs and smiles and "I knew you could do its".

All through that gruelling obstacle course race, Amanda was all over the mile and a half area, and the Lord only knows how many miles she ran that day, but everywhere, shouting names and yelling encouragement!

Just like Jesus does for us as we run the Christian race!

And the mama fox? Where does she come into this true story? One of my dearest preacher friends grew up in old Virginia, where foxes and hunting hounds are part of growing up. Brother Flexon tells of watching their hounds on the chase, and after a young fox. He was scared half to death, running for dear life, and those old hounds were gaining on the little fellow. His route was circuitous, naturally returning to the place where his mother kept watchful eyes on the scene before her. On the next round, just when she knew the little fellow was about to collapse, the wizened, experienced mother headed him off to their lair while she took up the place in front of the hound.

She had done this many times before. She was a veteran, and had whipped those dogs many times before. She easily led that old hound away from her babies, and on a race that was not even a contest for her.

Our Christ is so much like this! The devil gets on the trail of many of us by siccing his old, Hell hounds on us, and we are pressured by them, and do not know what to do or where to go. Just when it seems that we can go no further, either Jesus or His faithful Holy Spirit sets us out of harm's way and leads the Hell-hounds far away from us. He knows when we can take no more. He knows when and where we need encouragement.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I Stepped on a Snake

It was just a baby snake, probably no more than seven and eight inches long. Actually, my reaction to seeing this little fellow frightfully scamper away from my boot as I picked up an armload of raspberry vines was automatic. Normally, I would let the little guy - a harmless Garter snake - wiggle away, but a couple of weeks past, "she who must be obeyed" and I had had a very intense discussion about "those terrible snakes crawling out from under our house!" Anytime our discussions are "intense", it really is not a discussion at all, but an ultimatum. My logic that "they are just Garter snakes, Deloris, they are not poisonous and they keep down the bug and like critter population", fell on deaf ears. Her "intense" ultimatum was that "I don't care what they eat! I don't want them around my house and I'll kill every one I see!"

So, as I say, my reaction was totally without thought or hesitation as I stomped the poor, little critter to death with my big boot. He lay there writhing in death throes for a few seconds, and finally was quiet.

As I watched this scene unfold, one thought was paramount. I had crushed life from a living creature. From that point, my mind went skedaddling (for you intellectuals, that word means "runs away") in many varying directions. One was the historical, theological question of whether a snake and a serpent are one and the same? Another was the identity and depiction of the serpent in the Garden of Eden? Another morphed into the entire question of angels - wicked ones and holy ones? AND the difference between angelic beings and human beings? Some of these interesting questions are unimportant from a redemptive point of view, and sone of them exceedingly important.

Some respected theologians believe that the Edenic serpent was intelligent, beautiful, verbal and walked upright prior to the fall. Reasons? Snakes, as we know them are repugnant and undesireable. Eve was not afraid of Eden's serpent or that he talked with her. The strongest proof is that the serpent's punishment was "to crawl upon his belly and eat dust all his life", strongly inferring that he had not done this prior to the fall.

What I consider of the utmost importance "about snakes and serpents" and "angels"...wicked and holy, is that according to Genesis 1:27 & 2:7, a human being was "created in the image of God" (SEE Genesis 1:27, and that both the male and the female human beings "became a living soul" (SEE Genesis 2:7d)

This makes it clear that neither animals or angelic beings - or any other universal, created being - has a soul. Only human beings have souls! And only they are created "in the image of God". It was the uniting, or combination, of the dust of the ground, and the breath of the Creator God, that brought into being - for the first time and the only time - the third, entirely new and distinct entity of a "soul".

Some might say, "Boy! This makes us humans something really special!" More than most of us will ever know!!! In time or eternity. The human soul is so special that God sent His only begotten Son into the world to save them after they had fallen - by choice - into sin. It is also "by choice" that we can be brought back into a right relationship with God. And then, He sends His Holy Spirit into our souls (the real "us", the real person) to help, comfort and empower us to live a clean, holy life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.

There is no reason why any and all human souls cannot live such a life...right down here in this sin-filled, wicked, demon infested world.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Unreliability of Reason...

...that is, IF it alters a direct order...especially from God.

In 1 Samuel 15 we read of God's instructing Israel's King Saul "to utterly destroy the Amalekites, all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass".

Saul "reasoned" that God perhaps did not mean "all"; that it would be unthinkable to kill all of the flocks and herds; and (I'm just guessing here) that if he brought the Amalekite King Agag back to Jerusalem, he could parade him through the streets and receive great honor. Then...maybe...they could publicly execute him.

He further "reasoned" that, under the guise of sacrificing the best of the captured animals to the Lord, he could have a great feast for the people and further promote his image as a mighty warrior and a great benefactor.

He further "reasoned" that he had destroyed the most of God's enemies, and "reasoned" that he "had obeyed the commandment of the Lord" (SEE 1 Samuel 15:13 & 20).

For some reason, Saul thought that this would fly (be acceptable) with God. He had become so immuned from truth and accuracy by allowing inner deceptions that he had "talked himself into" believing that what he had done, and was doing, would be alright.

This is the reason for today's thoughts. God gives us the ability to reason as it relates to our lives and activities, and for the most part, expects us to use it. Not a single person ever gets into trouble with God over what he or she does not know. But when God, through his Word or by the Holy Spirit, makes a matter clear to us, then He expects complete obedience.

There are probably dozens of scriptural directives that make no sense to us under certain conditions and/or activities, but we only keep our spiritual hearts and eyes clear when we completely obey the Lord and His revealed Word.

Saul blamed "the people" (for wanting to save the best of the animals), but God did not give the order to them, but to Saul.

THE POINT: We keep our eyes on God, not on what "other people" are doing or not doing.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"The Culture Has Shifted"

So, what's new? "The culture" has shifted in every fact...within every generation.

It is within the minds and consciences of each succeeding groups, families, clans, etc. to do away with the old, and welcome the new. This is called progress, and a cardinal, universal, clearly spoken rule about progress is "not to stand in its way". Traditional has ever been the enemy of progressive. Wisdom dictates that change is not only inevitable, but wise as it relates to methods, working and living conditions.

But God's laws historically comes heavily against moral and behavioral changes! God's laws were originally given to His people to bear directly upon each generation's codes of morality and ethics, and were clearly purposed to be passed on - and applicable to - each new generation.

But listen to, and read, what was just approved by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America at its most recent National Assembly: (by Eric Gorski, ASSOCIATED PRESS, August 23, 2009)

" 'We're going to be living in tension and ambiguity for a longer time, partly because the culture has shifted,' said David Steinmetz, a Duke Divinity School professor of Christian history. "The question is whether the mainline church will shift alongside, or if it will decide that the more welcoming attitude toward homosexuality is wrong, he said. "The ELCA - the nation's seventh largest Christian church - reached its conclusion after eight years of study and deliberation. That culminated Friday when the church's national assembly in Minneapolis struck down a policy that required any gay and lesbian clergy to remain celibate."

I would agree that there is "tension" - as seen by David Steinmetz - but I disagree that there is any "ambiguity" in God's Word about the matter!

I instantly concur with The Living Bible's interpretation of Jude 3b - so strongly that I have it written in my King James Bible, and I quote:

" should stoutly defend the truth which God gave, once for all, to His people, to keep without change, through the years".

Certainly "the culture has shifted". Every culture "has shifted", but God insists that His followers stand firmly by His commandments however strongly the fierce gales of change blow!

Monday, September 7, 2009

May 21st, 2011

This is the next date set for the return of Jesus for His church. (Harold Camping...from California) My first inclination was to smile...maybe even yuk a little...if it were not so serious a matter.

Evangelicals have been united on this issue ever since I have had knowledge as a youth of Christ's second coming. Jesus said in Matthew 24:46 and 42: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". And verse 42: "Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour our Lord doth come."

At the same time, Jesus repeated this to His disciples in Matthew 25:13: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh".

What IS certain, though, is that He IS coming...and soon! God's Word IS clear on this! Way back in the Old Testament, in Daniel's day. (Daniel 2:44).

"In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be shall stand forever". This is something we CAN count on, for in this single chapter, God reveals to Daniel, His servant, the coming kingdoms, of the entire world system, from Daneil's day to the present time.

But who are "these kings", Pastor? They are symbolized by the feet and ten toes of the colossal image and composed of iron and clay. The Bible clearly states that the ten toes "shall not adhere to one another" (Daniel 2:43). Nearly ALL reliable, evangelical scholars identify the "iron" part of the feet and toes to be remnants of the preceding Roman Empire, or MONARCHIES. The clay clearly indicates the DEMOCRATIC form of governments which do not and cannot be unified.

This is a clear picture of our world for the last 250 years. While "no person knows the day or the hour" of the establishing of God's eternal kingdom on earth, we are certainly living in "these days".

The warning of our Lord should be sufficient for Bible-believing Christians: Watch and be ready!

Monday, August 31, 2009

In Sync with Psalms

I have been musing this morning... as I often do after reading in the various divisions of Psalms. I love all of God's Word, but whenever I worship in the Psalms, somehow I feel transported... as though I am there along with the Psalmist, experiencing what he has, or is. It is like God is walking and talking right there with the Psalmist... and with me... more like a friend, or a personal tutor, or like a parent explaining something to his child. Here are some precious conversations that are so much like my own with the Lord that I have had them heavily marked in my Bible for years.Psalm 119:114, 116 and 117a. "Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy Word. "Uphold me according to Thy Word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope. "Hold Thou me up...".

Psaml 119:149: "Hear my voice according to Thy lovingkindness:..."

Psalm 119:174: "...Thy law is my delight".

Psalm 123:2c and 3a: "...our eyes wait upon the Lord our God until that He have mercy upon us. "Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us...".
Psalm 130:5 and 6: "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope. "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they who watch for the morning: I say, more than they who wait for the morning".

As a father, and a grandfather, with precious, precious children and their children, I know how much I yearn and ache over them! I also know that my perspective is so much greater than theirs, and that God, our heavenly Father, constantly watches over His children with far greater interest and concern than I could ever have for my own.

As the hopes and wellbeing and happiness of a child is the property of a parent, and as an employee's labor, productivity and remuneration is the responsibility of the employer, and as the dedication, faithfulness and loyalty of a servant is the proper due to a master, and as the wellfare and safety of the sheep is the special oversight of the Shepherd, so heaven's God takes care of His children... in everything!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 8

My heart is so heavy as I sincerely talk to the church today about this, for the world of which we are a part holds exactly the opposing viewpoint. Worldly success is nearly completely associated with what a person has and how much he has. This has sadly and slowly crept into the church and it, that is, the church, has largely adopted riches as the same measurement for success. Jesus so clearly warned His followers in Matthew 13:22 of "the deceitfulness of riches", and explained that it would "choke the Word of God" until it would be lost. Most of the 2009 church today has adopted the same attitudes about so called standards of living that the world holds, and feels substandard and mistreated if they have less than their neighbors or brothers and sisters in the Lord. It truly hurts my sensitive spirit when I hear of, or see, comparisons made between Church people on the basis of material possessions. It sends a distress signal to my souls!

What should be done? How do we combat the horribly materialistic spirit that holds today's church people in its deceptive, iron grip? Some of my answers will be anticipated, but the most important one ... just a few of you will expect .. The truth and experience of heart cleansing is the most important weapon against the lukewarm effect of materialism! I do not hesitate to make this claim, for the crucifixion of the old self life is crucial to correcting our spiritual vision. We are what we "see". Sanctified Christians are selfless ones, and Christians who have not died to self will continue to make choices based upon their wants and interests and well being.On the other hand, selfless Christians are always, characteristically, looking for ways to be a blessing to other people. This is as certain as you hear my voice today! Selfless Christians are always on the lookout for what they can give, and not what they can get. Those of you who know me best know how I dearly love to preach about "advantage taking", and persons whose aim is to take the advantage instead of give it, judge themselves ... not me. All I want to ask each of us is this question: "Why do we want the advantage, rather than grant it to the other person?"

How much should we give away ... how much should we share with others ... how much should we give to the church ... , and how much should we keep for ourselves - our aging and health problems and last years of our lives? You know no other person can answer this, and it is one more vital reason why we must make sure that there is not a shred ... not a sliver. .. not a little, tiny piece of the old nature controlling our decision making "mechanism", for want ofa better word. We must have the balancing influence of the Holy Spirit guiding us as we are literally floundering in a sea of materialism, in and out of the church.

As you can see, this is merely the start of identifying, and dealing with, the threat of lukewarmness to today's church.• I urge each of us to seek out God's best for our lives, and never, never settle for anything less!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 7

SO, here in August of 2009 we find ourselves in the church exactly where the Laodiceans were - rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing. And every listener and reader is clear that the reference to "in need of nothing" is about temporal possessions. We do not need outside assistance from other persons or agencies in or out of the church. "Self sufficient" and "self dependent" and "self supporting" are the terms that come to our minds at this point. Most of us would consider this not only a good thing, but pleasing to the Lord, for there are plenty of scriptures that require Christians to care for their own needs as well as have resources so that we are able to help others who are in need.

"Why then, Pastor, should the condition of being "rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing" concern us? Why should it present a problem to believers today?ilBecause built right into it are dangerous tendencies that inherently lead to lukewarmness. Here are some examples of dangers that we face each day, and have been so much a part of our lives that we rarely think of them as "dangerous". Fire. Electricity. Water. Medicines. Vehicles and air travel. The list is endless, but you follow along in the reasoning. All that have been listed, and much more, are potential dangers to our lives, health and well being. They will kill us if they are not correctly used! If properly used, they are great blessings, and if not, they will kill or harm us.

According to Jesus' teaching when He was here on earth talking to us, worldly wealth is probably the paramount trap for us humans, including us believers. Jesus repeatedly warned His hearers of the extreme danger of worldly possessions, and the adjective "extreme" is not too extreme a word. (Little intended pun there) Think with me now on this. In Jesus'life, in the lives of the apostles, and in the lives of every saint of God from their days until our time, those persons who are most in step with the mind and will of God, are persons whose daily lives and happiness are not built around material possessions. They are persons who habitually ... characteristically, make choices, and take actions that lean towards the "spiritual" qualitiesk.¬in their lives and not the material ones. The biggest issues of their lives are not what they have ¬or do not have when it comes to earthly possessions. Their daily lives are regulated, directed, and in reality, consumed, with the work of God, the kingdom of God, the will of God. Such Christians, who I will quickly identify as "fervent", do not consider anything they have their own, but honestly (I mean by that, that they do not just say it, but down in their hearts is real) ... they honestly view the material possessions God has trusted them with as a stewardship. Again let me repeat that to view ones earthly possessions as a stewardship, and not something that belongs to us, it must be genuine and not merely a claim for how it looks or sounds to other Christians.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 6

I am deeply troubled by a church more led and driven by its own current philosophies and trends and programs than by the Holy Spirit through God's revealed Word! I am deeply troubled by the constant "badgering" of church leaders and writers who constantly tell us preachers that "we must present the gospel in a positive, relevant manner"! We preachers must rise above such hannful criticism and stick with what God's Word clearly tells us!

What it tells us here in this most revealing message to the church of the last dispensation is that what the church and the watching world calls success is not what Jesus calls it!! The Laodicean church claimed (Please note! In Jesus' Own words!) That they were "rich, and increased with goods, and in need of nothing". I earnestly plead with anyone who listens to, or reads, this message this morning to carefully consider what Jesus said ... not Pastor Boone. Jesus said of the latter day church that their self description ... their own assessment ... of the kind of church people they were, was "rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing". As much as you who listen and read will resist my telling us this ... this is an accurate description of each and all of us. There has never been a time in the history of the church (the visible church, that is) when, all around the world, we have been so richly endowed with monetary and temporal possessions. WE ARE THAT CHURCH! We are this church! We are the church that Jesus depicted as "rich, and increased with goods, and in need of nothing".

While I am on this greatly disturbing, biblical truth, a long held term for these things has troubled me every time I have heard it. I know that in saying this a good number of you will probably disagree with me, but at least,hear me out and see if something about it picks at your mind as it has mine over the years.~T am sure that some of you have had questions about it as I have. It is the use of the term, "God's blessings" when referring to material wealth. We have all heard such a statement made, and maybe have used it ourselves, that "God has blessed us with lots of this world's things". As I say, over many years now, such statements always trouble my mind, and some of you are astute enough to know why.

When has the church, historically, been the most effective in bringing the gospel message to the unsaved ofthe world? We all know the answer to this. When they were persecuted. When they were poor. When they were unloved and unheralded and despised. When they had no worldly position and recognition. When they were driven from their homes and jobs and churches and towns and even native countries! On an individual basis, when do we spiritually grow the most? When do we pray the most? When do we draw near to God the most? When do we know God the best? In plenty ... or in want? In sickness ... or in health? In the sunshine ... or in the storm? In disappointment...or in happiness? In trials sore ... or in blessings and joy? When we are recognized ... or when we are spoken evil of?

This is why some of us wonder about the use of the expression that, "God has blessed us with so many, wonderful things. With so many things that make our lives pleasant and easier"? There is not a person listening or reading, including me, who would be so foolish as to ask God for the hard places ... for pain and suffering ... for trials and tribulations and sore temptations ... for the loss of our earthly possessions ... for persecutions and defamations of character. And yet we all know that Jesus particularly pronounced His blessing ... even calling it "happiness!" ... ofthese very persons! He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit (they are persons who claim nothing ... who feel in their hearts that they are owed nothing from God or man). Jesus said, "Blessed are they who mourn". Jesus said, Blessed are those who are meek and humble". Jesus said, Blessed are you when you are persecuted ... ". Jesus said Blessed are those who are spoken evil against, those who are reviled, those who are falsely accused and blamed, for My sake". When I know ... and you know ... what the position is of Jesus and His teachings about what kind of persons are truly blessed, it has no reference whatever to possessions or ownership

Monday, August 3, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 5

No Christian can produce within himself or herself what only the Holy Spirit can. We cannot make ourselves holy. We cannot discipline ourselves enough to be holy. We cannot train our hearts into submission to Christ. The crucifixion of the old, self nature is a work of Divine grace, wrought within the heart by faith. I can only speak with certainty about this from my own experience ... but I have read and heard other Christians express the same conclusions. It was not so-called "holiness preaching" that brought me to the place where I sought the Lord for victory over the old, carnal nature. It was the condition of my heart! It was the defilement of my heart! It was the dirtiness of my spirit that condemned me!

Now I am not describing "feelings" as such when I talk about a "dirtiness of spirit". Our human emotional system is not the place to take any measurements of our spiritual temperature, for our feelings characteristically (at least for most of us) run more on a roller coaster than a straight track. Most of the time mood swings, as we call them today, have little or nothing to do with any spiritual condition. When we think about what I have termed a "dirtiness of spirit" it relates more to motives than feelings. This is why we are talking about the cleansing of the human heart now. The carnal, uncleansed heart is for self satisfaction, and self appreciation, and for self interest, and for self recognition. You get the idea. It is self, self, self .. me, me, me ... and my, my, my! All through this study about lukewarmness we will be returning to this sobering truth.

Jesus made it so clear in some of His very earliest teachings in the so-called Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:20, where He proclaimed this most basic truth: "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also ". Here is a most crucial claim and conclusion by our Lord! "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also"! This will never vary. It is ,as definite,and even absolute, as anything God ever said to the human family. What dominates~rson's life~ is his or her master. What we continually think about, and where our minds return any time we have spare minutes, and what in our daily lives claims our supreme attention, and what we want to do and think about and on what spend our time and attention and money is what is in our hearts! What is in our hearts is what will come out of it!

Our hearts are as much like a fountain of waters as anything I could describe. The scripture even uses this analogy when Jesus spoke of what occurs when the Holy Spirit comes in to take control of a person's innermost nature. Let me read it to you from John 7:38 & 39a:"He who believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this spoke He of the Holy Spirit Who they that believe on Him should receive ... ". Jesus, Himself, describes the inner, heart, condition of the Spirit filled Christian as one that is as a flowing fountain of waters. We are born into this world with that inner, "heart fountain" polluted and stained with more interest and concern for self than God or other persons.

To make matters worse, we live in a world that S~tan has superbly sold on the idea that we need to love ourselves, and be good to ourselves, ~atisfY ourselves, and please ourselves. Then in the last thirty or forty years, a good number of preachers have built entire, multi-million dollar ministries on the "self esteem" idea of "feeling good about ourselves", The Christ ofthe church wants me to warn us of the dangers of such erroneous teaching, for it plays right into the hands of Satan's latter day trap of hustling us with promises of everything being okay, when the truth is that we are "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked"!

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 4

So, what are some of the marks of a genuine spiritual fervency? Some of them are named here, and we will work through them as long as we have the time. Let me list some of them first, and then elaborate on them. As mentioned earlier, this has to directly refer to (1) a person's focus. It must address (2) our solitary love. It will directly relate to (3) a person's value system, that is, where we place our priorities. It must be (4) our communication, that is, our conversation with the Lord. A fifth mark of a Christian's spiritual fervency (5) will always be redemptive, that is, fervent Christians spend their lives - every waking, conscious moment - seeking the lost.

If I were to define the condition of "Christian fervency" - which is in direct contrast to lukewarmness - and take it to its most basic meaning, it would be, "Christian fervency is a constant pre-occupation with the things of Christ", or, "the constant, passionate pursuit of Christlikeness ".

If I had to describe the most likely reason why such a spiritual condition exists in so few Christian hearts, that is, if I had to reduce it to a single, top most, head-the-list reason why there are so few "on fire" Christians, it would have to be the absence of self crucifixion. It would have to be because the old carnal nature remains on the throne ofthe heart. It would have to be because self interest dominates the soul of the person rather than a passion for the things of Christ and His church ... His body.

This is not a theological position or issue. It is a matter of deep :rooted fact that where carnal self continues to be the fountain within the heart of the Christian from which flows our interests and desires and attitudes, choices will naturally be made in the interest of self and not Christ. It is as certain as breathing and thinking. I hope that the listener and reader would expect me to pin this down with God's Word, so here it is in the words and experience ofthe Apostle Paul, where he clearly stated in Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ ... " If! never read the remainder of this important verse. If I stopped this message right here. If I never preached another message in my life and ministry. If the church here this morning, and the church around the world, never had another message from God's Word. These words from the life and soul of the Apostle Paul¬i! they were believed and acted upon - would be enough to lead any and every Christian into fervent, passionate, red-hot, on fire living for Christ and His church! This is the desperate need of the church of all time. It is the only experience that will settle the lukewarmness problem within the church! As long as old self sits on the throne of our hearts, we will continue to sputter and smoke and smolder. We will continue to be up and down, in and out, unsettled and driven by a spirit within us that we abhor and resist!

You see, fervency of spirit within a Christian comes from the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came upon and dwelt within the 120 on the Day of Pentecost in the upper room, the Bible says that 'flames offire sat upon each of them". A holy, heavenly, Divine fire entered into the natures of these assembled Christians that day, and they immediately departed from the four walls of the upper room, fearlessly witnessing to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. A Divine fire from heaven began to burn within Christian hearts that day that Has never burnt out! It burns in my heart, and it burns in the heart of any Christian who will come to Jesus for cleansing from the carnal nature. I promise you that it makes the difference in Christians! No Christian can be the same after the Holy Spirit has been asked to come into ones heart, cleansing it of inbred sin and filling it with His holy Person and presence, and making His throne there.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 3

What we are going to be talking about in this message is more about what it means for a Christian to be conSidered "fervent" (which is what the Greek means, and has better understanding in our minds than "hot"), than what is lukewarm. No believer thinks that it is okay to be lukewarm. No believer I have ever personally known thinks it is a favorable condition. It is a spiritual condition to be feared and avoided "whatever the cost", and this will come into clearer focus later into the message. The point is that the goal of an earnest, sincere Christian is to be fervent in heart and spirit.

I think most people understand what it means to be fervent. It would be harder for us to misunderstand this than to understand it. To be fervent in anything is the opposite of relaxed and carefree and taking it easy. To be considered fervent in anything means to be totally committed; to be vigorously engaged; to be completely involved; to be aflame, ablaze, on fire. I have a particular preference to the idea of being steadily directed, for such a purpose of heart and mind comes from the Lord Jesus, Himself, as He said it in Matthew 6:22, "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single (steadily directed), thy whole body shall be full of light".

What we say, or think, about our spiritual condition in this regard does not mean too much. All through my Christian life references have been made to persons who were, or are, "on fire for God". Such references have been made about many preachers in particular. Some even make comments like this in regard to themselves. It is better if others make such statements. Remember when Jesus said of John the Baptist that " ... he was a burning and shining light". (John 5:35) Any fervency of speech or action or facial expression or gesticulations mayor may not be from God or of the Holy Spirit. What we are describing here is afervency of spirit; afervency of heart; a fervency of attitude; a fervency of inner devotion to Christ and His cause in His church!

Some years past a church leader who had arisen to very high office within our denomination troubled my own spirit with a closing statement in each of his mailings. He would consistently say at the end of his communications, "Keep your hearts hot for God!". At the time I did not know why this did not come across to my spirit as genuine ... but did with painful clarity as later events unfolded, and deep, dark, and harmful results came to him, his family and the general body of Christ because of his shameful backsliding. You see, such admonitions from any church leader ... even a pastor such as myself .. tend to lead the hearers or readers to assume that such a person is saying that we are to follow their lead ... that they, themselves, are subscribing to such a high standard of spiritual fervency. Why would any church leader instruct others to a level of spiritual fervency that he or she was not experiencing? No one has confidence in a church leader who does not practice what he preaches, and we all know it, even if and when it is unspoken! The point is that simply saying that Christians in general, and church leaders in particular, should "keep their hearts hot for God" is meaningless unless it is true. Our Christian fervency must be discovered in our every day, every hour, every choice and every action living than in clever cliches' that sound super spiritual! I think that both the Bible and our study on this matter will support such a claim. The fervency of spirit we demonstrate throughout our entire walks with the Lord,and our service to Him and His church, is what God counts as good and vital.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 2

As usual, the Bible is its own best commentary, and we will be wise to look for the seeds of lukewarmness in the message ofwarning ... as well as hope!. .. contained in Jesus' words to the people in the church in Laodicea. We would expect nothing less from Jesus, as He earnestly critiques the spiritual state of this local body of believers when He says, "I know your works ".

The Lord instantly knows what is our spiritual condition! Our spouses may not know. The pastor may not know. Our children and grandchildren and brothers and sisters and cousins and aunts and uncles and parents and grandparents may not know. Those with whom we worship and sit in church services may not know. Those with whom we work for the Lord within the church ¬sitting on boards, singing and doing music and praying, teaching and directing and planning and administering, giving and tithing and the distribution of funds, cooperating in the maintaining of church properties - may not know where we are with the Lord. But the Lord does know what is the spiritual condition of our hearts, and this ought to speak volumes to us!

If He knows ... that means that He is watching. He is monitoring. He is measuring. He is keeping score, so to speak. We hear this so often that it ought to be boring ... ifit were not so critical! God is interested very little in what we are doing for Him ... if .. we are not primarily concerned about our relationship with Him. What is going on between the Lord and us, and the communication that is going on between us, and the desires that He constantly witnesses within us, and the interest that He sees within our moment by moment daily living ... these things are what He constantly monitors. It is the desires of our hearts that God constantly has on the scales of heaven's value system, and everything else yields to this.

So, in the light of Christ's Own interpretation of what He means by "lukewarmness", what would be the first measurement? Temperature. Easy. Hot...or cold ... or lukewarm? Remember now, that this is not a condition relating to ones service to Christ and His church. This directly relates to a person's interests; his desires; his love; his driving passion; what is first in his living~ from day to day

Note that Jesus makes no reference at all to the "performances" ofthese church people in Laodicea. The "works" to which Jesus refers centers around their hearts; the kind of interests they had; where they placed their time and talents and strengths. It dealt with the level of passion and zeal these church people had for Christ's things. This should deeply impact us these days, for we are living in, and working in the church, during this church period of lukewarm attitudes within the visible body of Christ. We, of all professors of Christianity during all of the various periods of church history, should carefully scrutinize our spiritual temperature, for this last church period, the Laodicean one, will be characterized by church people who call themselves Christians, and yet are lukewarm. And not hot.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What is Lukewarmness? -- Part 1

About two months past, three persons came to me after a service and in a concerned manner, asked me to define for them "lukewarmness". I told them that, as the Holy Spirit would direct and help me, I would address this important issue - and answer their question - in a full length message.

It is clear in my mind, and has been for all of my walk with the Lord, what is the heart condition of a "lukewarm" person ... and let me quickly add that you will not hear in this message the term, "lukewarm Christian" used ... for there is no such a Christian. The term "lukewarm Christian" is a misnomer; an inappropriate description; for Jesus made this quite clear to the Laodicean Church. He said to them, " ... because you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue you out of My mouth". This is a truth that needs loud and clear exposure: there is no such person as a "lukewarm Christian" within the body of Christ. There are only lukewarm church people! I have no doubt that there are many church people who will disagree with me on this vital point, for over the years of my association with the church, I have heard many describe themselves as "lukewarm Christians". I have to tell you that I unfailingly cringe at such talk, for I know what Jesus said of such persons! Heplainly said that He would spue them out of His mouth! Jesus said in effect, "Your lukewarmness makes Me so sick to My stomach that I will vomit you out of My mouth".

Join with me as I read the scripture lesson from The Revelation, chapter three and beginning with verse 14. "And unto the angel of the church of Laodicea write; these things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: "I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent. 20"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, Iwill come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. 'To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, €{ven as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne. "He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches".

Monday, June 29, 2009


It happened again this morning.. .a little after 5:00 a.m. There was not another, single vehicle on Highway 12 in north central Idaho, and spread halfway across the western sky was a huge, breathtaking, gorgeous rainbow. Too bad there were so few to observe and enjoy it... but I did... and the wheels began to turn.

A rainbow has so many applications that can be drawn from it: beauty, glory, color, uniqueness, splendor and many, many other descriptions.

What impressed my mind, however, was not its extravagant beauty, but that it did not belong to any human being, but could be enjoyed by all who observed. My mind traveled to the four quadrants of earth and those
of my earthling brothers and sisters who lived in all of them. Rich or poor, known or unknown, educated or not, recognized or not, religious or not, of every and all ethnicities, every eye has the unspeakable benefit of seeing a rainbow.

The Bible declares that a rainbow has one, singular purpose (SEE Genesis 9:15 & 16), and this is that God, the Creator of all things heavenly and earthly, will never again destroy the earth by water (as occured during the great flood of Noah's time). It is God's promise, and it is indescriminately given to ALL of earth's human inhabitants whether they love and serve God or not.

B-U-T this is not the end of "the story of the rainbow". At first look, it would seem to suggest that the Creator of the rainbow is offering clemancy to all and any human inhabitant, however they live or whatever they do, and whether they submit to this gracious Creator or not. There is more "rainbow" in God's Word, and it is discovered in The Revelation 4:2b &3, which states:

"...behold a throne was set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.
"And He Who sat was to look upon like a jasper and sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald".
This is God's judgment time for earthlings, and when it occurs, the time of salvation will have been passed. It is interesting that... until this very moment!... rainbows are not again mentioned... but they appear prior to this time to us humans periodically... to remind us of God's promise.

Centuries and millennia pass...and now and again we see a rainbow..reminding us that what God promises, He will not forget. When it is judgment time - when mercy and offers and reminders are past... another rainbow will appear... over and around God's judgment throne..reminding us that...

...what God promises, He will keep! He will save the righteous, and doom the wicked.

If you read this, and are not prepared to stand before God, I urge you to "seek the Lord while He may be found, and turn to Him while you can...".

Monday, June 22, 2009


"Empty" is not always negative...but usually. It usually gives us the idea of being without.

Probably there is not a person alive, having lived into his thirties or forties, who has not experienced several times when he has been "empty". Sometimes we merely feel this way, and sometimes it is a fact.

All who are even moderately familiar with the stories of the Bible easily recall the story of Ruth. Oddly, one wonders why the book is entitled "Ruth"? It is as much a story of Naomi - and it could be argued - more, about Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law. As briefly as possible, here are the aspects of the story.

Elimelech, his wife, Naomi, and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, leave the land of Israel because of a severe famine, and travel down to over to Moab which evidently had not been affected by the dearth. While there, Elimelech dies, the two sons marry Moabite women, and after ten years of childless marriage, both of the two sons die, leaving three widows: Naomi, Orpah and Ruth. Naomi learns that the famine is over in Israel, and tells her two daughters-in-law that she is going to return alone to her homeland.

Orpah eventually agrees to remain in Moab with her family, while Ruth will not hear to Naomi making that long, heartbroken journey alone. When they arrive "back home" (Bethlehem), here arises the idea of "being empty", as we read in Ruth 1:20 & 21:

"And she said unto (her relatives and friends in Bethlehem), Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me, "I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me home again"empty" (there is that word): why call ye me Naomi, seeing the Lord hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me".
We cannot help but wonder how Ruth felt about being refered to as "empty". It was obvious that all Naomi saw in Ruth was another mouth to feed, another person for whom she must be responsible. The next few days and weeks would prove Naomi not only to be terribly mistaken about Ruth and her potential good, but would actually be Naomi's livelihood ticket, would give her more than enough "children and grandchildren", but would forever credit her with providing a golden future, eventually being in the bloodline of King David, and Jesus, the Messiah and Redeemer.

It is a lesson for each follower of God to learn. God can - and often does - take our "empty" situations and turn them into far greater benefits for us and others than we ever could have if left to our own methods.

The catch is not knowing that our "empty situations" are actually being worked out by the Lord. Because of this, and the frequent long, frustrating, discouraging years elapsed, we are wise to place, and leave, our "empty" times and feelings in His wonderful wisdom and timing. One things is certain from this story. The Orpahs are forgotten, while the Ruths become bright and shining stars.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Legacy of the Soul

Isaiah 64:4: "For since the beginning of the world, men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for them who waiteth for Him."

"Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
was not spoken of the soul."

Somewhere... somewhere... somewhere... the human soul will ever exist. The soul of us is the real us... the person - though not visible to the human eye - is who we are. We are not primarily a physical body, for it is limited by time and physique.

And every cemetery declares it to be true.

The real person is (1) what he thinks, (2) what he decides, (3) what (or who) controls him, (4) what he is and does when no one else can see him, (5) what (or Who) determines his values, and (6) what (or Who) determines his actions.

The Bible declares the soul of humankind (SEE Genesis 2:7) to be a distinct, unprecedented, totally new entity. "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground (physical body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (the spirit of humankind); and man became a living soul." There never had been "a soul" before. None of the myriad heavenly creatures God had previously created "had a soul". It is an entity peculiar and specific to humankind.

When God said in Genesis 1:26, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness..." the inference is strong that He was saying, "Let Us do something different from any previous creature we have created. Before, none has been created in Our image, after Our likeness. This being will have a soul...none before has had a soul."

Any grade school student knows that there is something amazingly unique about earthlings. As far as we know, earth's human inhabitants are the only universal creatures like us.

This strongly infers that our Creator has a unique and specific plan for us. What is the legacy of the human soul? (The Bible being its own best commentary), it is that we should be in His image.

Before there were creatures of any kind, or matter of any kind, God planned for His human creation to be like Him, and this likeness can be explained in dozens of ways. What is critical is that this gracious, benevolent Creator carved out of Himself a place, a niche, a specific and personal place for each one of us. It is reserved of and within Himself just for each human soul. He planned for each human soul to experience a personal, different, specific, eternal relationship with Him that no other human soul would or could have.

He provides this very personal experience to each of us by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the life life just as we do...and offer Himself a once for all sacrifice for our sins. By a simple act of totally trusting in that Calvary sacrifice by His Son, each of us can enter in to the legacy of our souls.

I invite anyone reading these lines to call, e-mail, or write me, and I would be happy to explain God's plan of salvation.

W. L. Boone
P.O. Box 2487
Orofino, ID 83544
lesboone @
(208) 746-5327

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It Happened Again...

For the unmpteenth time, I managed to run a sharp sliver into one of my fingers. Thus unpleasant experience cannot be avoided however careful a carpenter is.

The idea is to get all of it out during the initial probing, poking and digging. First you try to get ahold of it with the ever-present pocket knife, and then carefully pull that beggar out in the same direction it went in. Then you hope you got it all.

If you did not, three results occur: one, it will continue to be tender; two, it will form a callous-like covering over the skin's attempt to heal; and three, it will not heal. Two, additional attempts were made to dig that sliver out over the next, few weeks, but to no avail.

Yesterday, with the sharp point of my pocket knife, and sharp pointed tweezers specifically designed for sliver removal, a third attempt was made - all with appropriate, blow-by-blow, verbal comments to she-who-must-be-obeyed of the painful procedure...but again to no avail.

"It has to be in there", I observed, "for it will not heal". She casually observed that I should try soaking it "like that other deep one you had at camp meeting". (That one refused the unsuccessful efforts of two ER surgeons who both agreed "that there cannot be a sliver in there." I knew better. I could feel it, and it would not heal. It ultimately shot out of its "silo" like a rocket after I had finished a couple of hours washing dishes at camp meeting.)

As it is said, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." Since it was already opened and bleeding, I sat for fifteen minutes or so soaking that finger. Then, with some vigorous squeezing, there it was - about a quarter of an inch long offense sitting and exposed like a beached whale. In one day and night, it felt fine and had begun to heal.

Sin - either commited or inborn -is as foreign to the soul as slivers are to the body, and it will continue to give us pain and grief until it is removed by God's remedy - the shed blood of Jesus Christ. God knew that we needed a Savior from the soul's evil intruder, and provides salvation from sin through His forgiveness and cleansing. When the "sliver" is out, healing can start.

Monday, May 25, 2009

None of Us Live Unto Ourselves

What we do affects others. A life given over to sin will affect posterity.Ada Jucks, born in Germany in 1740 became a drunkard, thief and a tramp. Professor Pellman of the University of Germany traced her descendants for 80 years. Out of 709, 106 were born out of wedlock, 144 were beggars, 181 lived disreputable lives, 62 lived on charity, 76 were convicts, 7 were convicted of murder. They cost Germany in the 80 years, in court expenses, etc. $1,250,000.

Max Jukes, a notorious no-good from New York was another striking illustration of how sin affects following generations. Out of 1200 of his descendants only 20 learned a trade, 10 of that number learned it in prison. Of the balanace 310 were shiftless no-goods, 300 died in infancy, 50 women were prostitutes, 400 died prematurely from lives of deep sin, 7 were murderers, 60 were habitual thieves, 130 were convicted criminals, and 440 had contracted venereal disease.

Compare this with the record of Jonathan Edwards. Of 1,394 descendants studied, 285 were college graduates, 13 were college presidents, 65 were college professors, 100 were lawyers, 30 were judges, 100 were ministers, 80 were elected to public office, 75 were navy officers, and 60 were successful authors. There was not a criminal among the whole lot.

Monday, May 18, 2009

No Small Print

You know the kind...all of the exceptions and exemptions and restrictions few of us read...the kind that would require a magnifying glass or the vision of a five-year-old...the kind that covers little but the glaringly obvious.

The gospel has no fine print, with no rules cunningly shaded, with no surprise requirements, and no hidden clauses.

Jesus did not believe in surprise expectations when He clearly outlined what He required of His followers. No earthly leader in any area of human citizenery was more "up-front" than Jesus Christ.

He plainly stated that each Christian would bear a cross (SEE Matthew 16:24). He forthrighly declared to His listeners that unless they were willing to sacrifice their lives for His sake and the gospel's - so that they could eventually save them- could not be His disciple. He said if anyone would be a part of His kingdom, he would have to humble himself and become as a little child (SEE Matthew 18:4). He made clear that the way up was down.

He said His followers would suffer; would be mistreated and misunderstood; would be hated by the world; would live a life of "straight and narrow" behavior; and that his hours and days would be marked by prayer, fasting, godliness, integrity, purity and wholesomeness.

B-U-T!! He also made it clear that those who follow Him through their lives on earth would have constant peace; would be freed from the domination of sin; would walk in light, not darkness; would have peace of mind; would share in intimate fellowship with (1) the heavenly Father, (2) with Himself; (3) with the Holy Spirit, and (4) with brothers and sisters in Christ. He promised eternal life to each follower; constant, Divine help, power and grace; resurrection from the grave, and heaven with joys beyond human comprehension.

On top of that, amazingly!, He promised that each believer would share in His glory (SEE John 17:22-24), and ultimately would receive and crown of glory. And then! bogglingly!, He said that He would reward every follower for their investments in His kingdom, after supplying them with the grace and power to accomplish it all! It is too much for our poor minds to absorb. All we can do is praise and thank Him!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mark's Testimony

Note: Mark Boone, an instantly delivered alcoholic, gives this testimony Easter Sunday 2009 at the Columbia View Wesleyan Church, Portland, Oregon.

Sometimes the hardest people to be convinced of the power of God are those who have been long familiar with a Christian environment. I was raised in the church, parents pastors for 50-plus years. I've been a Wesleyan as long as anyone here, since before the Pilgrims merged with the Wesleyan-Methodists in '68 or '72 or whenever. Did a concert in this very church 20-25 years ago, but at some point I decided God had dropped the ball and I was doing this life thing my way. Until recently, I hadn't felt the Spirit of God for a couple of decades.

Two years ago, around Easter, I experienced an aortic dissection, much more serious than a heart attack. It produced several heart attacks. It is nearly always fatal-- something like 95% fatality. I lay unconscious, dying, with my family and loved ones crying out to God to spare me. The surgeon at QHSU said pre-op that the damage to my heart had already cost me my left leg, my kidneys, and most likely significant brain damage. "We're just trying to save his life," he said.

During the 12 minutes I was clinically dead, I saw myself on the operating table, people in scrubs around me, an experience that haunted me for over a year after. The surgeon told my family after the 9-hour operation that there were several instances that he would return to a portion of my heart to repair damage he had seen minutes earlier and find it had healed on its own! The legs I walked up here on are mine, and they work just fine! My kidneys that were gone suddenly began functioning normally, and tests show they are fine! My brain is, well... the same! I'm a medical miracle.

Oh, so that's what happened, Mark! Anyone would turn to God after that kind of ordeal! No, not even close. After waking from a coma several days later, I was adamant that I would not be buffaloed into a commitment to God. Your dear pastor and some of you came to visit me in recovery, and I politely but firmly resisted any perceived pressure from anyone towards the Lord.

God had healed my physical heart -- I couldn't have stopped Him from that if I wanted to -- but he could not heal my deepest need, my hurting soul, without my invitation. After a year of painful recovery, last Easter I was, some might say, as far away from God as one could be.

Now you're thinking, what in the world happened, after all of that, that changed this guy?

I won't take the time now to explain the situation except to say that, drama-wise, it pales in comparison to what I just described. That's a story for another time, and I never get tired of telling it, but, basically, I was asked a simple question by a complete stranger, and in the split second I had to consider my response, I realized beyond any doubt that the real question posed to me was, "Mark-child, are you done?" and the One asking through this total stranger was God Almighty Himself... my Creator... my Heavenly Father, who gave His only Son for me.

I was so overwhelmed and outclassed in every way by the Presence of God that I could not mentally fall to the ground fast enough. That Presence has not left me for an instant since, because my answer to Him and to the stranger was, "Yes. I am done."

Lest there be any misunderstanding, I did not just ooze imperceptibly into some warm, fuzzy experience that made me smile from time to time! Brother, I was changed! That song we sang about power, I didn't write that from a story I read about someone else. That happened to me! I could look inside myself and see it!

The Bible says that after Jesus died He went to hell. I don't recommend this at all! Don't go to hell! Maybe that's irreverant -- I'm thinking of writing a son named that! Anyway, a couple thousand Easter Eves ago, Jesus went to hell. He went straight to hell, and He did not go quietly! He didn't knock and ask politely. He didn't ask at all. He walked in there past all the mighty demons in the depths of hell, walked straight into Satan's stronghold, the devil's Fort Knox, and with the power and authority of God He took the keys of death and hell. That's what Easter is about, baby!

Listen, you want to champion the sting of death, the victory of the grave? Come to the cross!

You want to avoid the spiritual eternal agony of hell? Come to the cross!

You want to experience the unspeakable joy and peace, even in turmoil, disappointment and heartache? I'm tellin' you, come to the cross!

He's the way.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Praying Ground

It seems like we have great preoccupation with ground or real estate, and place high value on it. It could be classified in terms of "yardage", "mileage", and "acreage".

Billions of dollars are spent by millions of individuals to gain a few yards of ground. Records are painfully sought and high prices awarded for those desired yards of ground.

When it comes to mileage covered, we are a world in motion. No society has ever been as mobile as ours. Our shrinking globe is a grid of networking transportation. Going has easily replaced doing as modern man's pleasure activity. The many miles driven or the great amount of ground covered and viewed has become important in our lives today.

And acreage may be the greatest motivator of all time - past and present. We crave some ground to call our own. Ownership is a powerful force. A tiny, fifty by 100 feet plot of ground can consume a person and become his or her master.

There is another type of ground that has even higher potential and superior value that is generally depreciated and forgotten. It is praying ground. The relationship towards God is somewhat like that of spoiled children towards their parents. The only time the parents are important or sought out is when they need money or other assistance. How sad!

There are so many valuable aspects of praying ground that it should attract multitudes to acquire it. The truth is that there are miles of elbow room on praying ground. The area is unlimited - you can use all you want, and it is free.

Praying ground is where our eyes are opened. The blindfold of the flesh is removed and we can see as God sees. Limitations are reclassified as possibilities. Hope is reborn and courage renewed. Anything becomes possible on praying ground.

Praying ground is where chains are broken and captives are freed. The mightiest, most binding, addictive, habitual shackles of demons and men are shed as a tattered garment on praying ground. The "inevitable" is arrested and the irresistible is neutralized.

On praying ground we see through kinder eyes. Personal hurts and pain, and loss, and criticism become mere inconveniences when viewed beside the cross. Hard passions are softened. Vengeance is submerged in a sea of forgiveness, and hatchets are buried all over the place!

Mountains of disappointment are left there, along with disagreements and disillusionments. Piles of doubts and fear and quickly discarded.

Praying ground is where transformations occur. Sighs are turned to singing, and confusion is changed to peace. The fearful become fighters, and the losers face the rising sun, for here is failure's graveyard.

Rebirth and regeneration are characteristics of praying ground.

The message and music of praying ground is: God is our adequacy. He is enough. Don't give up, and don't cave is. But if you have, you can start again - on praying ground!