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Monday, August 25, 2008

One Thing You Can Not Say

There are many things that are hard to say. Like, "I'm sorry. It's my fault. Forgive me. I spoke too quickly. I spoke too harshly. It was not just the way I represented it. I volunteer. I'll go." Lots of things like these and similar ones are hard to say.

But this is one thing you or I can not say, and it is as true for believers and unbelievers alike. We find this one thing that we can not say in 1 Corinthians 12:21. None of us can say, "I do not need you." The Bible insisted that this was true centuries before the 1940s or 1950s hit song, "No Man Is An Island." The Bible says it this way in Romans 14:7: "None of us lives to himself (alone) and no one dies to himself (alone)".

However adamantly and forcefully an individual declares his total independence from other persons, it is nothing more than empty rhetoric and illogical silliness. Those who arrogantly declare that they need nobody else starkly reveal their immaturity.

The fact is that we need each other to survive, and the Apostle Paul in the 1 Corinthian scripture alluded to above goes a step further when he overtly asserts that each of us is actually but a single part of a body - a hand, a foot, a mouth, eyes, ears, a leg, etc. None of us is a "total package" as a few boastful persons like to think they are. There are no "number tens" among us, and those few who unwisely think there are - whether themselves, or others who think someone else is - eventally realize that we all need each other, and much of what and who we all are comes from those around us.

This fact is not up for debate according to this definite statement in God's Word. We can not say, "I have no need of you". A whole person is the one who discovers that he is complete in the strengths and assistances of his friend who comes along side of him in his time of need.

Monday, August 18, 2008

We Can "Control" God

Not in the sense that we tell Him what to do... or change His mind... but there are things we can do that guarantee a response from Him.

Moses did. Jonathan did. David did. Daniel did. Elijah did. Hezekiah did. In fact, many, if not all, biblical personages did.

The woman with the issue of blood did when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. His healing virtue was "on demand" to her trusting request. As best as we can tell from the reading in Matthew 9:20, there was no deciding, Divine permission that occurred in the transfer of healing virtue from Jesus to this woman's need.
I realize that this is poor grammar, but God does not do nothing in a great many, personal ventures into His grace and power. We "control" God when we surrender to Him. We "control" God when we line up our wills with His will. He does not do nothing when we do.

God does something when we yield to Him, and when we obey Him, and when we get on His side of any issue or matter, and when we yearn to see things His way, and when we search and pry into His nature and heart and thoughts and attitudes.

God does something when we love Him, and when we set ourselves to sit at His feet and hear His words.

This is an irrefutable fact as (SEE Luke 10:4) Mary discovered when she chose to sit at Jesus' feet and hear what He had to say. The weeping woman (SEE Mark 14:9) "controlled" Jesus with her contrite brokenness as she lovingly poured her expensive perfume upon His feet. Her love drew a concentrated, personal, immediate, Divine response as others who watched missed it!

For most of my ministry this verse from Isaiah 57:15 has had a prominent place on my study walls: I dwell...with the person who has a contrite and humble spirit...", and another from Isaiah 66:2: " this person will I look, even to him who is of a poor (one who claims nothing) and contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word".

There are "automatic" responses from God anytime we enter His presence via His throne of grace. He is there! He is never not there! He is never unreachable, or untouchable, or unavailable. There are no office hours at the throne of grace. Admittance and advocacy are assured through the death of our Savior on His cross of Calvary. If and when we go there, He is there!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Does God Get Jealous?

I was particularly drawn to the "jealous" aspect of God's nature, and some years past was so taken with it that my mind was impressed to dig into it a bit. It just did not fit with my overall understanding of a selfless Being Who would "stoop" to jealousy in the sense that we humans generally see it. The fact is that He does not. The root meaning is more in the sense of His expecting an exclusive right to one's devotion, fidelity, affection and love. It is not so much that He requires it as that we owe it.

God is never so arbitrary about anything as we understand it. He makes no demands or requirements "because He says so", but only because it is appropriate and right. It is like any and all biblical requirements to worship and honor and praise Him. He requires it because He is praiseworthy... and because He is glorious... and because He is honorable. He exists in all of these states because they exhibit the kind of Person He is, and He would be praiseworthy and glorious if no other beings ever praised and honored Him. The Cherubim do not praise and honor Him because He created them to, but they ceaselessly praise and honor and glorify Him because He is worthy of it. My mind is held in wordless wonder as I contemplate that He did not create them to declare His holiness and justice and righteousness, but that their very beings were created by Him to declare such universal integrity... period! And if God, Himself, were to ever become unholy or unrighteous, they would instantly condemn Him. It is God's way of providing for all universal creatures that He is truly worthy of honor and praise. What A God! Blessed, Blessed be His name!

Monday, August 4, 2008


When tragic heartache leaves us numb
In stark, relentless grief...
And senseless loss denies us from
Any meaningful relief?

When no words can ease our pain -
No explanations arise.
When reason fails us once again
And tears forsake our eyes?

When time refuses to advance
And all of life stands still -
When everything seems ruled by chance
And governed by others' will?

When it seems there is no plan
But only a jumbled mess...
And life sells short the person
Who follows righteousness?

When a heavy heart and a tortured mind
Seems my lot to be...
And faith and hope of any kind
Must yield to reality?

When it seems there is no way
I honestly can voice...
My faith and hope can say
Your will is still my choice?

It's in these tragic times I see
The sun beyond the veil,
And know with rising certainty
That God will not...cannot fail.

Though He is touched by human pain
Beyond what words can say...
He always has - and always will - remain
Our Solid Rock today.

When everyone else is gone
And family and friends depart...
God will not ever leave us alone
With a grieving, broken heart.

His promise is a shining one
That heavy hearts may know...
Until our life's short race is run
He's here wherever we go.

By W.L. Boone